

Back in the Classroom in China after COVID-19

And just like that, it was all over. Or at least, a small part of it was, here in Chengdu. Another step towards normality, or whatever passes for it in your average English Language Training School. Three months after closing down because of the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, the doors of the school where I work [...]

2020-05-27T06:27:54+00:00May 27th, 2020|Articles, Teaching|1 Comment

Flipping Classrooms

The word 'change' is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Living in Guangzhou, I am witnessing this first-hand. Business models are evolving and people are adopting new methods to satisfy previously expected productivity levels. Exercise classes are now via group conference call, home delivery has been revalued as an essential public service, and eLearning as [...]

2020-05-21T02:45:27+00:00April 30th, 2020|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments

Learning to Teach: Mistakes I’ve Made in TEFL

For many of us, TEFL is our first time working as a teacher. This makes our experience exciting; while terrifying, invigorating; while exhausting, and above all, novel in every way. Sure, we complete a TEFL qualification prior to setting off, but there is a huge difference between teaching in theory, and teaching in practice. Mistake [...]

2020-04-16T07:44:13+00:00April 15th, 2020|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments
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