

About Frances McManus

I am Frances McManus. I'm Irish-American, currently living and teaching English in China. I have a passion for languages and want to study Interpreting in the future. My blog is teachinginchina.home.blog.

Learning to Teach: Mistakes I’ve Made in TEFL

For many of us, TEFL is our first time working as a teacher. This makes our experience exciting; while terrifying, invigorating; while exhausting, and above all, novel in every way. Sure, we complete a TEFL qualification prior to setting off, but there is a huge difference between teaching in theory, and teaching in practice. Mistake [...]

2020-04-16T07:44:13+00:00April 15th, 2020|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments

Living Alongside the Coronavirus in China

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Coronavirus. Known as Covid-19, this virus causes respiratory symptoms and in severe cases can lead to death. Originating in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in December 2019, it has since spread to 115 countries and infected more than 114,000 people. On [...]

2020-03-11T04:11:57+00:00March 11th, 2020|Articles, Life in China|0 Comments
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