
Iain Foreman

About Iain Foreman

Iain Foreman is the Director of Studies at English First in Shijiazhuang.

Get Your Students Reading (and Writing)

As I’m sure we all know, students seem to speak more naturally in class than they do work in a book or read a passage. I shall try and set out a few activities that focus more on the skills of reading and writing which hopefully can help new or even more [...]

2018-05-24T08:52:53+00:00September 2nd, 2015|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments

English Language Teaching Methodologies Part 2

Total Physical Response (TPR) (James Asher) This was developed by Asher who observed children learning their first language from their parents. He noticed some general patterns; children learnt language often as a result of listening which is reinforced by associating an action to a command or instruction that is heard and also [...]

2018-05-24T08:52:54+00:00July 8th, 2015|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments

English Language Teaching Methodologies Part 1

How do people learn a language? This is a question that will impact any existing or prospective teacher whether they be teaching English or any other language. Over two articles I shall try to summarise some of the more impactful theories of Second Language Acquisition. Input Hypothesis (Stephen Krashen) Developed by Krashen [...]

2018-05-24T08:52:54+00:00June 17th, 2015|Articles, Teaching|0 Comments
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